David Benson Hon. RWS

1938 - 2023
David Benson Hon. RWS in front of his exhibited work at the Private View of RWS NOW, the inaugural exhibition at the RWS Gallery in June 2023
The Royal Watercolour Society are very saddened to hear the news of the passing of our supporter and Honorary Member, David Benson.


David was instrumental in the fundraising for the renovations and fit-out for the new RWS Gallery, and without his help the Gallery and the Society would not be where they are today. Past President, Jill Leman has written below about her experiences knowing David.
I was introduced to David in 2017 by Huon Mallalieu. The Royal Watercolour Society had just acquired the opportunity to lease an additional gallery space on Whitcomb Street - the next street to Suffolk Street where David's offices were based. The RWS had occupied a part of the same building from 1823-1938 and while we accepted the offer, we had to raise the funds to fit it out. I had just been elected RWS President (the first woman in the Society’s history) and this was a very daunting challenge.

David absolutely came to the rescue - hosting fundraising events in the splendid Stonehage Fleming boardroom and donating time, money and paintings over several years. He wrote charming  letters to all his many contacts to tell them about the project, introduced me to people he thought could help and brought his family and friends to events - raising a great deal of money towards our goal of £500,000 and becoming our major donor and supporter.

When the RWS Gallery opened in June 2023 with it’s inaugural exhibition ‘RWS NOW’ it was such an honour and pleasure that David could be there, although it must have been an enormous effort as he was undergoing hospital treatment at the time. I was so delighted to be able to show him the beautiful gallery space and  his painting of Florence which was part of the exhibition.

The RWS are very proud that David accepted Honorary Membership in 2018. This honour is very high status and is given to people who have made a major contribution to the Society.

- Jill Leman PPRWS
December 4, 2023