The Story of the RWS Gallery at Whitcomb Street
On Friday 30 November the first meeting of ‘The Society Associated for the purpose of Establishing an Annual Exhibition of Paintings in Water Colours’ was held at The Stratford Coffee House on Oxford Street, London. Born out of a sense of grievance by a number of such artists who practised in watercolour and felt that they were discriminated against by the Royal Academy, the only professional artistic body of the day.
The Society acquired a royal charter and shortly afterwards Queen Victoria agreed to sign the certificates each member received upon being elected to the Society.
On expiry of their lease the RWS left Pall Mall East and moved to 26 Conduit Street, a former dinner and dance hall.
Huon Mallalieu Hon. RWS introduced Jill Leman, President of the RWS, to now Honorary Member David Benson, who went on to play a key role in fundraising for the Whitcomb Street Project.
The RWS held a fundraising exhibition at Bankside Gallery. Members of the RWS along with other artists and guests generously donated artworks for Be Part of Art which featured a secret postcard sale, artwork auction and informative displays on the Whitcomb Street Project.