Common Ground: Frances Hatch, Caroline McAdam Clark, Robin Richmond & Linda Saul

10 - 20 October 2024 RWS Gallery
Four friends. Four women. Four voices. Four sensibilities. Four artists. Four members of the Royal Watercolour Society whose work speaks to each other across the walls of this beautiful new gallery.


Each artist employs paint and media differently, but what is shared is a deep commitment to their work. This exhibition is a four way visual conversation which yields both surprises and moments of recognition.
Frances Hatch
Caroline McAdam Clark
Robin Richmond
Linda Saul





RWS Gallery

3 - 5 Whitcomb Street

London, WC2H 7HA


Free Admission


Gallery Hours  

Open daily 11am - 5pm


For further information about the artists please follow the links below





Image credits

Clockwise from top left

Caroline McAdam Clark RWS, Forth (from the Shipping Forecast), oil on board

Robin Richmond RWS, Mountain Walk # 13, acrylic and gold leaf on paper bonded to canvas

Linda Saul RWS,  River Thaw (detail), mixed watermedia on paper on board

Frances Hatch ARWS, QUARRIED AIR – The Bell, Coppermines Valley, Coniston, Cumbria (detail), acrylic and site earths on canvas