RWS Gallery at Whitcomb Street £100 / £90 early bird discount 10.30 - 4pm
In this workshop you will learn how to respond to a busy and vibrant city scene using line and watercolour. Working initially on location in the heart of central London, you will be encouraged to capture the essence of a place in your own unique way.
Taking inspiration from topographical artists and the way they document figures and architecture, you will use Charing Cross Road as your base, but you will be encouraged to find your own perspective and view point. Whilst on location, Paul Cox will demonstrate his own methods and you will learn to work in a spontaneous and brisk way. In the morning you will be based on location and in the afternoon you will produce a finished drawing back in the gallery, based on the studies produced earlier in the day.
This workshop is designed for individuals with a basic understanding of drawing and watercolour. You must be comfortable working outside for the first half of the day.
This workshop will take place at the new RWS Gallery on Whitcomb Street, just off Trafalgar Square.
All bookings are non-refundable.


Workshop Outline


Please note that the materials list is not provided




RWS Gallery

3 - 5 Whitcomb Street

London, WC2H 7HA




*Friend Discount: Must have a Watercolour Artist Friend membership card

** A student discount of £50 is available to students in full time higher education on an art related course. If you are eligible for discount and would like to book onto this course, please send a scan/photo of your student ID and proof of enrolment to to recieve a discounted payment link. 


Purchase tickets

WORKSHOP: Capturing City Life in Line and Watercolour
Early Bird
WORKSHOP: Capturing City Life in Line and Watercolour
Sold out
WORKSHOP: Capturing City Life in Line and Watercolour